Tag Archives: Match.com

Slowly Digging out of This Grave

So today I’m down 15.8lbs!!! YAY! Pools open Saturday – I’m “good enough” for a bikini. It will be very nice to just walk down the street, walk in the lap lane (maybe get in a few slow strokes), and of course get my tan on. I’ve got my 1st pool book already to go: Dead Until Dark. Charlotte Harris’s first book in the HBO True Blood series.  I’m not normally a science fiction reader but with Twilight and True Blood I reconsidered.

So I’ve been a busy bee straighten out my blogs. I’ve never blogged before March 09 and now I have 3, which I hope to earn a little income from with practice!

My goal is to post to all 3 at least once a day… but bare with me.

My fibromyalgia has been bad the last few days but a little better today and hopefully a lot better tomorrow.

I have a 2nd date with the guy from Match.com that I went out to dinner with on Sunday night. We had a very nice time – a kiss at the end 🙂 So we’ll see how tomorrow goes!

I just emailed PetConnect, the pet rescue I am getting a dog to foster from. It turned out she needed to be neutered but as long as it went well, she will be here Sat!! As soon as I hear back with a confirmation I’ll post a pic! I’ve never had a dog but think that she will be great therapy. I have to walk her 3x a day and her routine will be more complex than Beans the Cat. I think Beans will freak out the first day or 2 but he enjoyed playing with my ex’s full grown labs so hopefully a small dog about his side will be okay.  I think they’ll become great friends – Beans already loves to play fetch!

Have a great day… I’m off to my weekly doctors appointment.

Sunday Funday

Bikini season is right around the corner and I am down 13lbs. YAY! But its saying stagnant errr. I’d love to be down 20lbs by Memorial Day but thats a week away. I’ll just have to step my game up for this next week – Pools open this coming Saturday.  Than I will start swimming laps and hopefully have a great bikini body soon. Plus having a great tan makes you look thinner :)

Tonight at 7, I have a date! Thank you match.com. We’re going to get dinner. He’s my age, working on his MBA, works for Dept of Defense (DOD – gov’t job), went to UMCP undergrad (where I went), live close enough (he’s probably about 20 miles away), is cute and YEEES he’s Asian. I’m 99% sure he’s Chinese. So I’m not excepting anything but a great evening. Hopefully we’ll see each other again (if I like him – hehehe)

I  heard from PetConnect (the place I’m going to foster a dog with) and they found me a chihuahua mix who is under 10lbs. I got all her info and said I would definitely take her. It sounds like she is coming this Sat unless she fails the vet check.

Alright, I planned on writing more but my Charlotte, NC girl called & and now its time to get ready for the date! 

Check back for juicy date details :)